

The Amsterdam Light Festival is a celebration of light design, a festival that demonstrates the grandeur, charm, vitality and humanity of the city, with light and water as connecting elements. Since its establishment in 2012, it has been enriching and illuminating the city of Amsterdam with art that changes the public area during the darkest time of the year, art to which the spectator will have a surprised, enthusiastic or playful response. 2012年創立以來,阿姆斯特丹光影節將這個城市一年最黑暗的季節,藉由光和水改變公共場域,成為燈光設計的慶典,展現出城市的魅力和活力。


The Amsterdam Light Festival 2013-2014 was held from November 28th 2013 to January 19th 2014. Themed "Building with Light," the festival exhibited numerous lighting and illumination installation from all over the world. 300+ works from 31 countries were submitted. In the end, 30 works were selected to be displayed. More than 550,000 visitors from near and far made their way to Amsterdam to admire the Water Colors boat tour and the Illuminade walking route. 

2013-2014年的阿姆斯特丹光影節自20131128日至2014119日舉行,主題為「光的建造(Building with Light)。收到來自全球共31個國家超過3000件作品,最後挑選出30件作品展出,共有超過55萬人次來到現場參與。



While the Amsterdam Light Festival 2013-2014 ended January 19, 2014, the preparation for the upcoming edition, to be held from December 2014 to January 2015, are in full force. On January 19, the international Call for Concepts opens, calling on (inter)national artists to submit their proposals for next year’s festival. The selected artworks will be shown during Amsterdam Light Festival 2014-2015. This year’s theme is ‘A Bright City’.

Amsterdam Light Festival 2014-2015 will have two main parts: the Water Colors boat tour from December until mid January and the Illuminade walking route during three weeks around Christmas and new year’s eve.


Professional designers, artists, scientists and students are all welcome to submit their concepts for light art and lighting design. The best submissions will be featured at the 2014 – 2015 edition of the Festival.

2014-2015年的阿姆斯特丹光影節自2014119日開始向全球設計師、藝術家、科學家及學生徵件,今年主題為「光明的城市(A Bright City),獲選作品將能在2014-2015年的阿姆斯特丹光影節現場展出。徵件截止時間為201431日。兩大主題活動包含運河乘船以及步行路線The Illuminade


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